First Steps on the Mountain, and introducing Smart Import.

In my last post, I talked about how difficult it can be to get started on the “knowledge mountain”, that feeling when you are staring at piles of documents, wiki entries and scribbled “Post-It’s” – not to even mention the critical information that only lives in the heads of staff members. The 80/20 Rule My […]
Climbing the Knowledge Mountain

If you’re like most people, (especially since you’re reading this post) then you’ve got a keen interest in organising your knowledge to make it easy to find, easy to use and easy to manage. I’d also be willing to bet that this isn’t the first time you’ve thought about it and started down a path […]
July 21 Update – Attachments

We’ve been working hard on the latest user-suggested feature to enhance the knowledge base experience – and we’re happy to give you – Attachments ! Adding files and documents to knowledge is something that a number of our users have been asking for. Keep supporting material – be that documents you need to send to […]