The SenseIQ team are super busy behind the scenes putting together all the features you need to master every question! We’re really excited to have you use our application, and we want to let you know what we’re currently working in our darkened rooms
Recently Released
Get your teeth into features that are available right now!
Release 1.11.0
Scheduled Article Review Information and knowledge are important to your front line staff. Now...
Release 1.10.0
Decision Links We have introduced the ability to directly create new articles from the...
Release 1.9.0
Get started faster by importing existing knowledge After listening to feedback from some of...
Release 1.6.0
Editor Improvements Based on user feedback, the SenseIQ team are excited to bring some...
Landing Soon
These are the things the team is working on right now, and should be ready for you to get your hands on soon
Trending Content
Knowing what information is being used as vital for your knowledge management strategy - but it's also useful for your knowledge workers too. We continuing to add tools to allow users to see the most popular and trending content, as well as making it easy to find new articles.
In Flight
Features that are in progress, but not quite ready for action yet. Expect to see these in a month or so.
Artificial Intelligence
Bringing machine learning and AI to SenseIQ is already in the works. A better understanding of natural language searches, and a continual learning approach means that SenseIQ searches are easier to make and get better over time
Decision Tree UI Enhancements
Visual tools to make decision tree configuration intuitive and quick to use and improve navigation when searching through decision based flows
On the Radar
These features are on their way to SenseIQ but will take a little more time to get there. These are a mix of bigger more complex projects and the latest ideas that haven’t made it into active development yet
Integration in your website
We're working on making it easy to be able to surface some knowledge so that customers visiting your website could find answers quickly. Watch this space.